IR detector/emitter


I need help with the basic IR detector/emitter circuit.
I have been trying to test my infrared emitter and detector if it works, I also tried to use a different pair but it's still not working.

Basically, The connection is suppose to function like this - IR detector to control the LED output based on the analog sensor reading input.
The desired result - As hand moves closer to the IR detector, the LED gets brighter.

Please see attached file, it's my connection using Fritzing.

  • IR detector is substituted with LDR icon.
  • IR emitter is substituted with LED icon.

If you cant see my connection, Its the same as here:

Here is the code I used:

ANALOG I/O: LED Fading with InfraRed Proximity Sensor Input
By Keywon Chung, 2007-07-23
Based on:
int value = 0; // variable to keep the actual value coming from the sensor
int irPin = 2; // input pin: IR sensor connected to analog pin 2
int ledPin = 13; // output pin: light connected to digital pin 9
void setup()
** pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // declare ledPin as an OUTPUT pin**
void loop()
** value = analogRead(irPin); // read the value from the sensor (0-1024, actual 150-700)**
** value = (value-150)/2; // calibrate 150-700 down to 0-255**
** if (value < 0) {**
** value = 0;**
** }**
** if (value > 255) {**
** value = 255;**
** }**

** //digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); **
** analogWrite(ledPin, value); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)**
** //delay(1000); // waits for x milli seconds to see the dimming effect**

Got the code from:

I watched videos on youtube, regarding the same thing, and one of em used the same codes and it worked.

Please help! I've been at it for a week already..

IR_detector_emitter.fzz (4.43 KB)

If you have a logic probe, what do you see at the o/p of your detector circuit?


int irPin = 2;    // input pin: IR sensor connected to analog pin 2

Analog pin 2 is pin 16
You can't analogRead from digital pin 2, which is the one you're setting.
You also haven't declared the analog pin as INPUT

analogWrite(ledPin, value);

You can't analogWrite to digital pin 13, only to pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11.