Mini-Shield form factor?

Take a look at
They have a whole line of shields for Nano's.
Maybe adapt them to use with Promini?

Sweet - this is indeed what I was looking for. Now I have to persuade 'em to make a CAN shield.

At the same time, a promini is not much more than a surface mount breakout board.
I'd just as soon put the chip on a custom board with other needed components, get a set of PCBs from iteadstudio (or whomever) for $10 and then not have to deal with all the headers & stuff.

Ahh yes, but you're a better man than me - I can't solder to save my life (and I've botched a number of expensive components trying =( ). I note that you've got 25 years experience in hardware - I have about the same in software. My business partner tends to run screaming from the room if I pick up a soldering iron...

Plug and Play was made for folks like me - which is why the gravitech link is so good. Thanks.

One day, I'll get someone to teach me how to solder properly - I definitely want to learn. Just always running out of time...

Thanks again!