Problem with code "copy for forum" containing [i]


I have posted some code containing "[" "i" "]" as variable index.
The forum seems to ignore this specific sequence of 3 caracters and I wonder why...
In the folowing on line 10, my code is:
Flag"[" "i" "]" = true;
And it become:
Flag = true;

This append when doing "copy for forum" and also when doing normal copy and paste.
Any idéa?

//Interrupt Service Routine On Timer Overflow
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
for (int i=0; i<ChannelNbr; i++){
//Increment Overflow Counter
if (T2_OverFlow > 25) {
* //Fail Safe Value*
PulseLenght = FailSafeVa*;*
* //Set Flag*
_ Flag = true;
* }

Use code tags.
I mentioned this in your other thread.
Don't use copy for forum.


ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
  for (int i=0; i<ChannelNbr; i++){
    //Increment Overflow Counter
    if (T2_OverFlow[i] > 25) {
      //Fail Safe Value
      PulseLenght[i] = FailSafeVa[i];
      //Set Flag
      Flag[i] = true;

sp. "Length"

Thank you for the trick!

I tried to modifie my post using normal copy and past between codes tags.
But even when using code tags as you propose the quoted i [ i ] does not go through...
Quoted j [j] does but quoted [ i ] does not! (quote/space/i/space/quote in purpose to make it visible)
Look at this:

Quoted j [j] between code tags:


Quoted i [ i ] between code tags:

Grrrrrr....(Is my bloody Azerty key pad driving me crazy?)
Thanks for help.
Length, length, length (I get it now).

Code tags look like this and do this ``You have used quote tags, which look like [quote][/quote] and do this


Not a good feeling but I have to admit "the crazy frog" is also stupid...
I did not get right the diff between quote tags and code tags!
Now I think my post is clean.
Thank again for the bad feeling you gave me.
