Sound Localization

Really nice and extremely interesting project.

I am hoping to learn a great deal by studying your code. However I have a few questions that hopefully you won't mind answering.

Why do you constrain the values for the Y servo to 1500, 2100 and the X to 800, 1900?
So could i use the following to convert it to degrees?

rot = map(srvoPosn[y], 1500, 2100, 0, 180);

Also with regards to these lines,

if(faza[ind][i + MIRROR/2]) Serial.print(faza[ind][i + MIRROR/2]); 
         else     Serial.print("n");

if the debug just prints "n" does it mean it is not correctly receiving audio?

Sorry for the very basic questions im just trying to understand the reasons behind what your doing and hopefully get a greater knowledge of FFT

Thank you