Analog Input with Processing

Here is a processing sketch I found on the web that creates a bar graph based on serial input from your arduino. The Arduino must send a byte with a value of 0 to 255. Run the sketch and look at the text in the area that reports errors, that will tell you what number goes in this part:

arduinoPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);// [0] is the indicator for the port could be 0 ,1,2,3 etc.
//This example reads in a single byte value from 0 to 255 and graphs it.
//Basic serial communication code
//by Chang Soo Lee
//Created 11/27/2005

import processing.serial.*;
Serial arduinoPort;
int serial = 1; 
PFont font;
int numH = 370; 

void setup()
   size(270, 440);
  arduinoPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);
  // Load the font. Fonts must be placed within the data 
  // directory of your sketch. Use Tools > Create Font 
  // to create a distributable bitmap font. 
  // For vector fonts, use the createFont() function. 
  println("ready for use");
  font = loadFont("ArialMT-48.vlw"); 

void draw () {

  if (arduinoPort.available() > 0) {
    serial =;
  line(70, 70, 70, 370);  
    line(70, 370, 200, 370);
    textFont(font, 11); 
    text("Sensor\nValue", 22, 80);
    text("Analog Input", 95, 390);
      text(serial, 25, 110);
    fill(100 - serial, 0, 255 - serial * 2);
    rect(120, numH-serial * 3, 20, serial * 3);

EDIT: Made a mistake with code tags, message was confusing.