7 Segment LED Speedometer ??

Hi all

I have a motorcycle trike and i would like to build a pulse driven speedometer using a 3 x 7 segment LED display.

Has this already been done somewhere?

I would like to use the Arduino micro to keep the size to a minimum and i have some surpluss 3 x 7 segment LED display modules

My wheel speed sensor gives out 5v pulses

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Google for "arduino speedometer"...


Did that search but nothing really suitable came up, maybe i've missed something ??

Anyone have a driect link to something please?


Have you tried doing it yourself? What problems did you have?

Google brought up 54,000 results from "arduino speedometer." Have you tried changing the search terms? Adding more search words?

There's two parts to this. One is reading the speed, any one of those "arduino speedometer" projects should help with that.

The other is displaying it. This is divided into wiring and software. You need to wire them up to the Arduino then display numbers on them. Obviously wiring comes first so that's where you could start - find out how to wire seven segment displays up to an Arduino.