Error in String.getBytes() ?

Maybe this changed.....but I have to send a String over an XBEE connection. The way it is send means I have to convert the String to uint8_t[]. I played around with the getBytes and arrays a bit, as I seemed to loose my last character.

String length = 43 characters (as in, counted on screen on println, so probably excluding the trailing zero)

uint8_t payload[message.length()]; 
message.getBytes(payload, message.length());

Result: last character lost

As suggested above:

uint8_t payload[message.length()+1]; 
message.getBytes(payload, message.length()+1);

Result: A blank space after my message, so no good

Used code:

uint8_t payload[message.length()]; 
message.getBytes(payload, message.length()+1);

Result: String is send, no errors/missing chars/blanks etc

So it seems length() does give the right size array, but somehow replaces the last char with the trailing zero in the getBytes() method???