LCD background color options? (solved)

Page 3 tells you about 2 colors.
You have the option to have Deep blue by switching on the pixel, or the alternative of Yellow green by turning it off.
It is a monochrome display.

Just take a peek at the remarks to those lines where it says "The Color is defined as the inactive/background color"

ok, so if I understand this correctly, the color deep blue is just a descriptor for when a pixel on the display is on. otherwise the pixel is the default background color.

the pixels that are on do not look any shade of blue to me, but I guess that is neither here nor there how I would describe it.

That does make sense, even if I don't agree with them on what they are calling deep blue :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for clearing this up for me. I was about to ask if this might be a feature of 8 bit mode, because I can't seem to find an application where 8 bit mode would even be used. It was making me wonder if 8 bit was for two color mode.
This thing sure looks monochrome to me, and it was a bit confusing that they were describing it otherwise.

Very much appreciate both of you taking the time to help me investigate this!
Thank you