cycling 4 LEDs at varrying speeds

The Arduino community isn't here to help you get your project done; we're here to help you understand how to build your project.

If you want to work under the get the project done now, I'll figure out how it actually works later model, then there is a Gigs and Collabaration section where you can get people to write code for you.

You say you understand things better when you can take something, modify it and see what happens. You're welcome to do that with any of the examples and I would encourage you to spend a lot of time doing that with the Blink without Delay example because it is such an important fundamental concept. If you're not willing/interested in putting the time into understanding how it works and figuring out how you can take it and apply it to your own projects, then the aforementioned section would be a better place to get help (at a price) in the form of working code to your specifications.