Low-cost graphic Nokia 3310 LCD shield & Joystick

I keep forgetting this thread, but the product looks quite nice, and I have been working on two libraries for the 3310. One is a simple text only one, it can be used exactly like a 16x2 or similar character LCD but with 14x6 characters. The other one is a very heavy one that can do all the things the KS0108 library does and a bit more, like lines, rectangles, ellipses, font upscaling, windowed clearing and inverting, and so on, using about 550 bytes of ram. Also have a python script that makes a header file with an array from a monochrome bitmap. Both libraries can get those bitmaps on the screen although the simple one can't 'edit' them nicely. Anyways, both should be done pretty soon, I just need to get the code cleaned up.