Need some help for a science project.

I'll figure it out myself I guess.

Well, yeah isn't that the whole idea? (But with a little help from your friends here too.....)

So, what you need to do now, now that you a) have a hand and b) can get a servo working ala sweep, is figure out how to get the servo to activate the fingers.

You see by now that the servo axle (with one or other of those plastic thingies attached- they're called "horns") goes back and forth. So you need to experiment with how that can (for example) pull one of the finger strings to clench the finger. That experiment will involved figuring out how to mount the hand and the motor on some kind of support, in the correct position relative to each other so that when the horn moves, the string clenches the finger without anything snagging.

I haven't read the hand instructions fully.... what opens the finger when you release the string?- is it just the "springiness" in the straw's plastic at each knuckle? Assuming that, then moving the horn one way will pull the sting and clench the joint; moving the horn the other way will release the tension and the straw will spring back.

Once you have that working on one knuckle you can then extend the idea to the whole project. I think you will be challenged by the space that the motors will take up: you'll have to engineer the positioning carefully to get the strings pulling and releasing freely.

Edit.... you should consider micro servos, like the one I show in my previous pic of the "elbow"... they take up about 1/8 of the room of standard servos