Lighting my room with Arduino

I am interested in lighting my room with 500 led light, It sounds like allot but I am doing a curtain style around the edge. Anyway I want to be able to dim, flash the lights and activate on movement. Any one have any links to similar projects for me to study. I was thinking of maybe going with a the version where you flash each set of lights so fast it looks like they are all on but that still dose not get me up to 500 so should I go with a dedicated Displayduino and LEDMatrix?

anyone ?

I make a 10x10 charlie-plexed LED board. Board details and
software examples are at

The I2C and SPI ports are available for inter-board communications.

(* jcl *)

Is it possible to use a transistor to fade a bank of LED's or can it only change states from off to on ?

You can use delays in the code to fade LEDs. The code as it's written
does not do that though.

If you look at the demo videos you will notice that when drawing
the larger square the LEDs are dimmer than when the smaller
square is drawn. Since the rows are multiplexed it takes
longer to draw the larger square so each LED is on for
a shorter amount of time and is dimmer (since the average
power is less).

(* jcl *)