Made my own TwitterClient and I think it's better than the example one

Hi JO3RI, thanks for explaining that to me. is there a way to change the behaviour to show say the 10 latest tweets, and to update if a new one is posted?

Well, If you that every tweet would have to be placed into a buffer in SRAM and every buffer is 140 bytes x 10 times is 1400 bytes only for those tweetbuffers (you only have 2048) and you need some for the libraries too.

You could use only 1 buffer and flow 10 tweets through it, but than you can't compare if it is a new tweet or not. To check if a new tweet is posted, I think you can only check periodically and compare the tweets you have, with the once you just checked.

This Arduino Client just asks the tweet stream, gets all of it and starts looking for the last tweet (the top) one, every 60 seconds.
try this in the url of your browser for a tweet account:

and this for a hashtag:

you'll see you have to refresh your browser to get an update

Maybe now you'll understand the problems to overcome. If you are going to try this, please ask your questions in the programming section, splitting your problem into small problems and try to tackle one at a time.

Have fun