v3 dec 2011 GLCD on 1284p with Arduino 1.0

Hmm..... Who said anything about Windows ??? I'm running a Mac :slight_smile: I only use a Windows machine for AVR Studio for bootloading with the AVR ISP Mk2

My bad there. I just saw the spaces in the paths and assumed windows.
(spaces are a really bad thing in names...)

I had not tried changing the numbers in the Sanguino and will try that today.

But the first priority still needs to be to get the diag sketch compiling.

The bootloader and software I am using is weeks old, am I best updating this?

I definitely say yes, so we are all looking at the same code.
Plus, there have been many changes around the mapping of pins in the A PORT
and with respect to progmem re-declarations since then.

--- bill