Serial Communication using Arduino and Jbasic

Hi Rob (RobTillaart)

Many thanks for the tip #, I am new to this forum and I did not know how to do this procedure, yes it makes it so much better to read.
I also modified my first post, so people can read the codes in the same manner.

With my 2nd example,one thing you guys out there might like to know, is that if you have Windows Vista "speech recognition", you can talk to the Arduino / Jbasic program, i.e. Get both programs up and running place the curser on the Jbasic blue screen and say "Click tell me the time", you should here the computer respond with the time etc.
This is how I communicate with my robot Loopy, it sometimes feels a little spooky when the robot responds, especially when you forget it is still listening.

I would be intersted to know if anybody has tried these codes out, and have successfully modified them to your needs.

If I can help you with this topic please ask.

Cheers Loopy