Problems with irsend.sendRaw / Sending RAW IR Code

I have been trying something like this to no avail….
irsend.sendRaw([7350 200 4800 200 4800 250 4800 200 4800 200 4800 250 4800 200 4800 200], 16, 38)

Hey ekman,

Two things:

  1. The array needs to have the values separated by commas
  2. The array should be declared outside of that command.

Here's a program i got from THIS BLOG : Digitalduino: Use sonar to control a TV!

#include <IRremote.h>
IRsend irsend;
// just added my own array for the raw signal
unsigned int powerOn[148] = {4400,4250,550,1600,600,1550,600,1550,550,1600,550,500,550,550,550,1550,600,500,550,500,600,500,550,500,600,450,600,1550,600,1550,550,500,600,1550,550,550,550,500,600,500,550,500,550,500,600,500,550,1600,550,1550,600,1550,600,1550,600,1550,600,1550,550,1600,550,1550,600,500,550,500,600,500,550,500,550,550,550,500,600,450,600,500,550,500,550,1600,550,1600,550,500,600,500,550,1600,550,500,550,500,550,550,550,500,600,500,550,500,600,450,600,500,550,500,550,550,550,500,600,1550,600,450,600,500,550,500,550,550,550,500,600,450,600,500,550,500,600,1550,550,500,600,500,600,1550,550,500,600,500,550,500,550,500,600};
void setup()
void loop() {
      // altered the code just to send/test my raw code

NOTE that you'll have to change "148" to "16" in TWO places in the code...
Also, i hope you removed the first received raw value from the array (more info)