'High' voltage 7-seg LED interface

Here is the circuit diagram. Each display is the same.

Code (once I have it all working correctly I plan to tidy this up a lot, just want to fix one problem at a time). I borrowed the button check function for testing for a long press (sorry can't remember where on the web I found it :-[). The clock came from Rob Faludi and his open source clock.

Count Down Timer
 Usage - Three buttons: Mode, Hour and Minute.
 Short press Mode = Start/Pause timer
 Long press Mode (2.5sec) = Enter/exit timer setting mode
 With timer paused press Minute and Hour together to reset clock
 In Timer Setting mode, press Hour/Minute to increment time settings.

#define timeroffest -3 //adjustment for error in timing

#define resetPin 8
#define minutePin 9
#define hourPin 10

#define debounce 50                       // ms debounce period to prevent flickering when pressing or releasing the button
#define holdTime 2500                     // ms hold period: how long to wait for press+hold event

#define Tserial 4
#define Tclk 6
#define Trck 5
#define dBlank 7  // pin to blank display - low = display off - high = display on

byte character[10] = {
  B01000010, B11101110, B11000001, B11000100, B01101100, B01010100, B01010000, B11001110, B01000000, B01001100};

boolean runMode = false;
boolean setMode = false;
boolean run=0, reset=0;

int second=0, minute=0, hour=0; // declare working time variables

int sMin=30, sHour=2; //declare set time variables

void setup() {
  pinMode(resetPin, INPUT); //pins for normally closed switches to set the time
  pinMode(minutePin, INPUT);
  pinMode(hourPin, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH); // writing an input high turns on pull-up resistors
  digitalWrite(minutePin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(hourPin, HIGH);

  pinMode(Tserial, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Tclk, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Trck, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(dBlank, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(Trck, LOW);
  digitalWrite(dBlank, LOW);

  minute = sMin;
  hour = sHour;

void loop() {

  if (second == 0 && minute == 0 && hour == 0 || runMode == 0) {
    if (setMode == false) displayOut(false);
  else if (setMode == false) {

  if (setMode == true) { 

  if (runMode == 0 && reset == 1) {
    second =0;
    minute = sMin;
    hour = sHour;
    reset = 0;

  checkButtons(); // runs a function that checks the setting buttons

void setTime() {
  static boolean minStat = false, hrStat = false;
  int minBut, hrBut;

  minBut = digitalRead(minutePin);
  hrBut = digitalRead(hourPin);

  if (hrBut == LOW && hrStat == false) {
    sHour = sHour + 1;
    if (sHour > 9) sHour = 0;
    hrStat = true;
  if (hrBut == HIGH && hrStat == true) { 

  if (minBut == LOW && minStat == false) {
    sMin = sMin + 1;
    if (sMin > 59) sMin = 0;
    minStat = true;
  if (minBut == HIGH && minStat == true) { 

  hour = sHour;
  minute = sMin;
  second = 0;

void checkButtons() {

  static long btnDnTime;                           // time the button was pressed down
  static long btnUpTime;                           // time the button was released
  static boolean ignoreUp = false;                 // whether to ignore the button release because the click+hold was triggered
  static int R = 0;                                 //Mode button state
  static int Rstate = 0;

  R = digitalRead(resetPin);                   //read Mode button state     
  //Test for button pressed and store the down time
  if (R == LOW && Rstate == HIGH && (millis() - btnUpTime) > long(debounce))
    btnDnTime = millis();
  //Test for button release and store the up time
  if (R == HIGH && Rstate == LOW && (millis() - btnDnTime) > long(debounce) && setMode == false)
    if (ignoreUp == false) runMode = !runMode;      //test if Low-High set mode should be toggled
    else ignoreUp = false;
    btnUpTime = millis();
  //Test for button held down for longer than the hold time
  if (R == LOW && (millis() - btnDnTime) > long(holdTime))
    setMode = !setMode;                  //toggle Set mode to Timing mode or vice versa
    runMode = 0;
    ignoreUp = true;
    btnDnTime = millis();
  Rstate = R;

  if (runMode == 0) {
    if (digitalRead(minutePin) == LOW && digitalRead(hourPin) == LOW) reset = 1;


void clock() {
  static unsigned long lastTick = 0; // set up a local variable to hold the last time we moved forward one second
  // (static variables are initialized once and keep their values between function calls)

  // move forward one second every 1000 milliseconds
  if (millis() - lastTick >= 1000+timeroffest) {
    lastTick = millis();

  // move back one minute every 60 seconds
  if (second < 0) {
    second = 59; // reset seconds to zero

  // move back one hour every 60 minutes
  if (minute < 0) {
    minute = 59; // reset minutes to zero}

  if (hour < 0) {
    hour = 0; // reset hours to zero


void displayOut(boolean set) {
  byte output;
  byte minH;
  byte minL;
  byte hourL;
  static byte secFlash, secReg;
  static unsigned long update = 0;

  if (millis() - update >= 100) {
  hourL = hour;
  minH = minute / 10;
  minL = minute % 10;

  digitalWrite(dBlank, LOW);

  output = character[minL];

  if(setMode==true) {
    bitClear(output, 6);

  for(int c=0; c<=7; c++)
    digitalWrite(Tserial, bitRead(output, c));
    digitalWrite(Tclk, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Tclk, LOW);

  output = character[minH];
  for(int c=0; c<=7; c++)
    digitalWrite(Tserial, bitRead(output, c));
    digitalWrite(Tclk, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Tclk, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Trck, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Trck, LOW);

  output = character[hourL];
  if (secFlash != second) {
    secReg = !secReg;
    secFlash = second;
  bitWrite(output, 6, secReg);
  for(int c=0; c<=7; c++)
    digitalWrite(Tserial, bitRead(output, c));
    digitalWrite(Tclk, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Tclk, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Trck, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Trck, LOW);

  digitalWrite(dBlank, HIGH);