Dumping firmware/software...and/or reflashing??

Well...I've bit the bullet so to speak. I've desoldered the original chip and soldered it to an SOIC-to-DIP adapter, and soldered a shiny new ATtiny44 to the phenom board. I've also built a test bed around the original chip with LED's and resistors and have correctly identified the trigger (actually uses 2 pins), solenoid, red LED, green LED, and push button.

I would also like to figure out how to use debugWire so I would only have to worry about 3 pins (Vcc, GND, debugWire) rather than the regular 6 (Vcc, GND, RESET, SCK, MISO, MOSI). I know I have to set a fuse to use it, but I'm not sure what else may be involved (if it will work with my Atmel mkII).

At this point, it's only a matter of writing the appropriate software to drive the new chip in the phenom board.