MIDI OUT as CC Messages

Hi guys

Right now I am working on using an arduino as a simple MIDI controller.

I was able to get the arduino to send out MIDI note number easily to a DAW (I am using Reaper). So i figured sending out CC messages would be simple

However I am not getting any respond from the DAW when assigning MIDI data. Could it be the way it is sending?

Here's an example of what I've written:


where 176= Channel 1 Mode, 14: unsigned , 76: value

The function is as so:

void ProcessMIDIOut(byte cmdtype, byte val1, byte val2)

//bugging test purposes: to see what values the TX pin is sending out.
if (cmdtype == PITCHBEND)
Serial.write(0xE0 | (channel & 0xf)); // control change command ***Error here:: "As of Arduino 1.0 the "BYTE" keyword is no longer supported. Please use Serial.write () instead
Serial.write(val1 & 0x7f); // pb MSB 0-127
Serial.write(val2); // pb LSB 0-15 - TODO
else // All standard note and cc messages
Serial.write(cmdtype | (output_channel & 0xf)); // control change command
Serial.write(val1); // command
Serial.write(val2 & 0x7f); // val1 0-127

and yes, Serial is in the right MIDI baud.

I'm still new to the CC messages format


Does Reaper know what to do with a control number of 14? It's listed as undefined in the messages spec.

Where in your code do you set the values of output_channel and channel?