Sending Float values to Pachube from Arduino

Rob, you know more about DHT11/DHT22 than anyone I think.

Too much honor, I am only standing on the shoulders of giants**

Rob, the pointer you gave uses DS18B20 and I need to dig into that. It uses a library that hides the details of building the HTTP PUT format characters. Maybe that's good. I was hoping to understand the gritty details..

The solution seems to be in this "new" cosm lib - GitHub - blawson/PachubeArduino -

especially the cpp file - PachubeArduino/Cosm.cpp at master · blawson/PachubeArduino · GitHub -

it uses _client.print(dataToSend, DEC);
when dataToSend is a float/double, DEC will be interpreted as the number of decimals. // not too nice usage of DEC but OK

but most important, OP states it works/solves his problem of posting floats to cosm.
I have not confirmed it (no duino with ethernet nearby) but I expect you will within a day or so :wink:

Let us know if it works.

** originally from Sir Isaac Newton IIRC :wink: