Are the two ICSP headers equivalent (as far as SPI goes?)

Hi folks,

I think I understand that the two different ICSP headers on the Uno and Mega2560 are ICSPs for the two different main chips. However, on some documentation, the SPI pins (MISO, MOSI, SCK) are labeled on both ICSP headers, and on some documentation, they're not.

So, i'm wondering, can I use either of the ICSP headers for SPI functionality (specifically on a Mega2560, non-R3)?


can I use either of the ICSP headers for SPI functionality

You can only use SPI with the ICSP from the processor it is attached to.


can I use either of the ICSP headers for SPI functionality

You can only use SPI with the ICSP from the processor it is attached to.

Great. Thanks for the info.