Arduino + Xbee + Sensor Communicate to Xbee + PC Problem


So, quit using X-CTU for something it is not intended for. It is a tool to configure the XBees. Use it just for that.

Which software can be used for monitoring the serial monitor seem like arduino software ?
Also i would like to export the result to excel,etc..

I failed to parse this sentence to obtain any meaning.

You can open two instances of the Serial Monitor - one for each Arduino. The data being sent/received by the XBees will appear in the other serial monitor.

Sorry for my poor english :expressionless:
I mean i have no idea for the xbee shield, in my project, i just want to receive the temperature data from sensor,so i wrote the sensor program in arduino,but i don't know the program and detail of trasmit the data to other xbee by xbee shield.

As using the library of NewSoftSeria for simple wire the 3.3v tx rx and gnd.
But xbee shield doesn't required,so i can't transfer the data to my laptop...

Does any example for transfer data by API mode?
Is it suitable for me for usb explorer and xbee shield?