Arduino on GuruPlugD

I have got a platform called GuruPlugD from Marvell, and the OS is Linux(Debian), while its architecture is based on ARM-like.
I also have a Arduino board.
I just want to use the GuruPlugD to link my Arduino and do the work just like on my PC, but there is no Arduino Software special for GrurplugD.
And the questions:
first, counld I use the Arduino Software for Linux on GrurPlugD? I have tried and I can see the Interface but when I want to complie it showed I need "java G++", I dont't know what to do.
second, if I want to identify the Arduino device on GrurPlugD, Should I rewrite the drivers for the FTDI chip? I dont know how to find the device when I link Arduino to GuruPlugD.

I have tried and I can see the Interface but when I want to complie it showed I need "java G++", I dont't know what to do.

Was this "avr g++"? Your need to install the avr-libc, gcc-avr, and binutils-avr packages.

second, if I want to identify the Arduino device on GrurPlugD, Should I rewrite the drivers for the FTDI chip? I dont know how to find the device when I link Arduino to GuruPlugD.

The appearance of the USB device should be reported in /var/log/messages (or appended to "dmesg" output). If you need to, you can create a udev rule to link it to /dev/whatever when it is plugged in (instead of guessing if it's /dev/ttyUSB0 or ttyUSB1, etc.). See the "Persistent Device Name" section at udev - Debian Wiki

My purpose is to link Arduino and GuruPlug and I can watch the Serial Monitor when I send and receive data.
Is it difficult to make it? I want to upload the program on PC and just watch the communication between GuruPlug and Arduino.
what should I do?

That's pretty easy. Lots of examples in the Playground: