Enlightened Domotics Alarm Monitoring System(EDAMS)

Hi Graynomad!

What's do you mean by "looks like it's coming along slowly", you speak about software developpement or sensor data?

For now I'm using serial CP2102(USART=>TTL) connected to Atmega(in C) or Arduino. But for testing purpose, I'm using serial buffer emulation(in fact, only printf in forked child with some random data values and sensors). And some times, I'm using CP2102 in loopback mode(TX<=>RX) and use some serial write func to see if all is good in reading serial buffer.

Later and to avoid string serial buffer and to save some bandwith, I think I'll pass data in binary form to arduino/atmega=>PC....

Thanks a for your interest.

EDIT:Since, EDAMS don't use serial anymore. All data are passed to xPL network, so we can say that EDAMS talk 'xPL language'...