Arduino keeps resetting unless serial monitor is open

Some software keep resetting my arduino every 55 seconds unless the serial monitor is open and connected, i have tried removing all software that might be causing the issue. It even happens at the login screen, windows 8.1.

Is there any software or a method to allow me to find out which software is polling my USBs and resetting my arduino?



Post your code.

Have you anything connected to your Arduino apart from the USB cable?


I FOUND A SOLUTION: but not a fix

I had the blink example installed and nothing connected apart from the cable. I knew it was some sort of software installed on my machine as it did happen when connect to my main PC or connect via a battery.

Something was polling my USB ports for a connected device, i have had this problem a few times, and normally by installing or disabling BT software, Mobile phone suit software, olympus software; fixes the issue.

This time the culprit was GFNEXSrv.exe, I have a Toshiba, this software comes preinstalled, something to do with Bios and passwords..

Anyway by going through and ending tasks on processes that i didn't think were necessary I found that after killing this the Arduino no longer restarted.

Can anyone advise further? I don't think I should be killing this program. But it works for now.