Controlling an Attitude director indicator


I'm a aeronautical engineering student and for my thesis i'm designing a vectoring nozzle.
The movement of the nozzle is controlled with a potentiometric joystick.

These 2 middle pins, go into the analog 0 and 1 inputs of the arduino.

At the same time, an attitude director indicator has to show the corresponding pitch and roll position for the aircraft.

The pitch and roll positions are controlled by 2 stepper motors. The attitude indicator has a microcontroller built in and it expects commands like this:

Message layout:
' Byte 1: Flag byte:&h00
' Byte 2: Address: 1-255; (Adress 0 excluded)
' Byte 3: Command: CCCC.1SHL (CCCC=Command 1-15, S= Signbit, H & L are databits)
' The integer is unsigned 16 bits.
' Byte 4: Data Low; &h00-&hFF; bit0 always 1 : XXXX.XXX1 -> XXXX.XXXL
' Byte 5: Data Hight:&h00-&hFF: bit1 always 1 : XXXX.XX1X -> XXXX.XXHX
' Byte 6: LPC Check byte or &hFF ' Commands:
' 0= noop
' 1= Initialize
' 2= Set Instrument Address; Value 0-&hff,second byte:&HAA
' 3= Set Instrument speed: If positive: Bank; If negative: Pitch
' 4= Set Bank position (0-4319)
' 5= Set Pitch position (0-1200)
' 6= not used
' 7= Send info about instrument; Reply &h00, Address, Type, Model, Version
' 8= Switch lights: Low byte= DL00.0000; D=display on/off, L=light on/off
' 9= Set Instrument Model &Version, Low Byte=Model, High Byte=Version
' 10= Move bank directly; used for calibration
' 11= Move pitch directly; used for calibration
' 12= Set calibration values for pitch and bank centers
' 13= Clear calibration values for pitch and bank
' 14= Set/Reset testmode: 0=off, 1=on, turn right, 2=on, turnleft

I will only use functions 4 and 5: set pitch and set bank (roll) position.

I don't have a great knowledge of programming, so i'm asking you guys for some help.
How do I write a program for this?

Can you post here a link to the datasheet of this attitude indicator, GSA34?

i haven't found a datasheet online, but I can give you this:
