MIDI / in setup

yesss thanks !! I ve stumbled uppon this but couldn t find it back. It s close to what i want to do. my question tho, is more like how to hook up a midi jack onto arduino board. I ve been spenindg the last couple of hours looking around. and i found this: http://www.itp.nyu.edu/physcomp/images/labs/arduino_midi_schem.png and http://itp.nyu.edu/physcomp/Labs/MIDIOutput and http://www.tigoe.net/pcomp/midi.shtml . I ve been reading also on how to decript thoses schemas. But it looks pretty complex to decript, plus it says midi output. It d be nice if i could just like put black wire in pin 1 and red wire in ground heh ..

Thanks for the link ^_^!!