Library for playing MIDI files from the Arduino

ok so i made some progress i now have the sketch loading to my uno just fine.

I am using a SD shield from seeed studio. I am almost 100% sure this is working properly, I ran SD example cardinfo: wiring is correct & card is present, and then it goes on show midi files on the card in the serial monitor.

I am using a 2x16 LCD i followed this correction and seemed to get it displaying characters but dosnt, seem to give a menu

// LCD pin definitions ---------
// These need to be modified for the LCD hardware setup
#define  LCD_RS    8
#define  LCD_ENA   9
#define  LCD_D4    4
#define  LCD_D5    (LCD_D4+1)
#define  LCD_D6    (LCD_D4+2)
#define  LCD_D7    (LCD_D4+3)

LCD reads like this, i dont think this is the menu readout???