wh1602d lcd with arduino

Hi guys :slight_smile:
I want to connect this lcd to my arduino uno but i don't know how do to it
I searched the Internet how to do it but didn't find something helpful
If you can help with this it's be nice

Hi guys :slight_smile:
I want to connect this lcd to my arduino uno but i don't know how do to it
I searched the Internet how to do it but didn't find something helpful
If you can help with this it's be nice

Is there a picture of you holding "this" lcd? We don't know which lcd you refer to.

They are compatible with hd44780.

Here is a LCD tutorial from Adafruit:

An early hurdle is going to involve the physical connections between your LCD module and your Arduino. The LCD modules with two parallel rows of 7 or 8 pins are a lot harder to deal with than those with a single row of 14 or 16 pins.
