Collection of web pages.

I have download most (I think) of the reference pages from the web and put them into a manual. Where should I put this if others want to access it ?

The reference page material is already locally available as part of the Arduino IDE install. On the IDE, select HELP + Reference. A web browser is started, if needed, and the reference page is displayed. The page is local on your computer, and all the links are to local files.

Why would anyone need another copy?

To read when not near the computer.

To read when not near the computer.


Not near a computer! Blasphemy!

Ever since I got my G1, I am never "not near a computer"!


/not that I don't enjoy offline reading - my personal library attests to that!

To read when not near the computer.

Well, then, I guess you should send me the manual. I can't read it where you have it now. ;D

How would you reasonable expect to distribute this paper copy?