another ILI9341 question: how to use touch screen ?

About these object things I'm not clear, I don't understand how this works or what is an object or a pointer (?), it's actually very confusing. Moreover, I just see "UTFT" in my own Sketches but no "_UTFT" - so whatever the reason or the functionality is, "_UTFT->" stays just a "black box expression" to me, but I think I don't have to understand it just in order to change it.

so, 2nd question:
When I start to change the H.K.'s UTFT_Button libs to fit to ILI9341_due libs then I first of all must replace all appearances of
in H.K.'s source code by
by "search and replace" in the Windows editor?

Perhaps both in all .h files and all .cpp files?

is this correct?

BTW, I already tried to open the files by the Arduino IDE, but although these libs are used by Arduino I can't edit them by Arduino - till now I used just the Arduino IDE because I don't have to use either 3rd party editors or programming tools to make my hardware work. Nevertheless I will try it by the windows editor for this purpose then.)