multiple patches

Hi, I'm preparing a performance using arduino and I made 5 different patches (.pde).
what's the best way to put them together?
if I put all the code in the same window I'll have a huge code and it'll be hard to find the specific parts.
is there a way to separete the parts in different tabs, like when i add a .h file?
how can I make it?


Yes, in the upper right of the IDE there is a create tabs button, put the guts of each sketch in each one. There can only be one void loop.
How do the different sketches get called?
I have done something like read the serial input in void loop(){ , then use switch:case to jump to the section to be run, at the end it goes to back to loop to wait for the next command.
I also named the tabs like a_tab1, b_tab2, c_tab3 so they show in order across the screen, and I think perhaps they put together that way for compiling also.
I have to look, I think the sketch gets saved with the name of the first tab.
I break my code up like this to make it easier to find stuff on big (10-12K) programs:
f_other_stuff, maybe function, pitches.h, etc.

void loop(){
if (Serial.available() >0){
sketchNumber =;
switch (sketchNumber){
case 0:
// do nothing here for this case
break;  // ends the switch, goes out to check for serial data again
 // end of tab 1
// put this at start of tab 2
case 1:
// code
sketchNumber = 0; // reset so it does not repeat
// end of tab 1
 // start of tab 2
case 2:
// code
sketchNumber = 0; // reset so it does not repeat
// end of tab 2
start of tab 3
case 3:
// code
sketchNumber = 0; // reset so it does not repeat
} // closes out switch (sketchNumber)
} // closes out void loop
// end of tab 3

I may not be understanding your problem correctly, but this sounds like the very problem that languages like C++ were created to solve.

You could take all of the program erm, "segments", and same them in separate header files, then include them in a main class and call them like functions.

You could call the functions based on time, button presses, or anything else.

Sounds like it. I've never done any C programming. I just found a way to make the IDE work for me.

It's just object oriented programming, which is what you described. :slight_smile:

I love the simplified C++ in use in the Arduino IDE, as I have limited experience as a programmer (taking online classes currently).

You can take a bunch of functions like

void tacos(){ } and void burritos(){ }

and break them up into different files and call them on the fly. OOP rules :slight_smile: