ShiftPWM support topic. Latest update: Schematics, high power LED's, LED strips

Hi Elco,

Thanks very much for sharing this work!

I've tried the example sketch on a 1280-based mega (you asked if someone could try it with a 1280 in your original post?) and found initially it wouldn't compile. To get it to work I (rightly or wrongly) changed line 90 of "pins_arduino_compile_time.h" from:

volatile uint16_t * const port_to_output_PGM_ct[] = {


volatile uint8_t * const port_to_output_PGM_ct[] = {

I'm not sure if this was correct, because when I run the sketch all three LEDs in the package (I'm currently only using a single RGB LED) seem to stay at a constant brightness. The circuit I've thrown together uses a single 595 and connects:

Arduino Pin 595 Pin
8 14 (SER)
9 11 (SRCLK)
10 12 (RCLK)

It's all running off 3.3v rather than 5v.

Any ideas?

Many thanks,
