Multiple LED's on separate pins, switches and functions - need guidance

OK, I've cleaned it up and set up separate sketches.
Task #1. Put the following 4 sketches together, toggled by a switch on pin TBD. While PIN_FL 6 and PIN_FR 7 are lit at (255)

//Fading Tail Lights

// Delay time: sets the time in milliseconds between loop iterations.
// Make this value large for slower transitions.
#define DELAY_TIME 10

// The pins which each color value is output to.
#define PIN_RED 9
#define PIN_RED2 10

// The initial values of each color.
int red = 20;
int red2 = 20;

// Indicates whether a color is incrementing (1) or decrementing (0).
int incR = 1;
int incR2 = 1;

// Smoothly changes the color values
void transition()
  if (red >= 175)
    incR = 0;
  else if (red <= 20)
    incR = 1;
  if (red2 >= 175)
    incR2 = 0;
  else if (red2 <= 20)
    incR2 = 1;
  if (incR)

// Sets the output voltage on the LED pins.
void setColor()
  analogWrite(PIN_RED, red);
  analogWrite(PIN_RED2, red2);


void setup()
  // Do nothing.

void loop()
//Fading Tail Lights 2

// Delay time: sets the time in milliseconds between loop iterations.
// Make this value large for slower transitions.
#define DELAY_TIME 5

// The pins which each color value is output to.
#define PIN_RED 9
#define PIN_RED2 10

// The initial values of each color.
int red = 175;
int red2 = 20;

// Indicates whether a color is incrementing (1) or decrementing (0).
int incR = 1;
int incR2 = 1;

// Smoothly changes the color values
void transition()
  if (red >= 175)
    incR = 0;
  else if (red <= 20)
    incR = 1;
  if (red2 >= 175)
    incR2 = 0;
  else if (red2 <= 20)
    incR2 = 1;
  if (incR)

// Sets the output voltage on the LED pins.
void setColor()
  analogWrite(PIN_RED, red);
  analogWrite(PIN_RED2, red2);


void setup()
  // Do nothing.

void loop()
//Fading Tail Lights 3

// Delay time: sets the time in milliseconds between loop iterations.
// Make this value large for slower transitions.
#define DELAY_TIME 2

// The pins which each color value is output to.
#define PIN_RED 9
#define PIN_RED2 10

// The initial values of each color.
int red = 175;
int red2 = 20;

// Indicates whether a color is incrementing (1) or decrementing (0).
int incR = 1;
int incR2 = 1;

// Smoothly changes the color values
void transition()
  if (red >= 175)
    incR = 0;
  else if (red <= 20)
    incR = 1;
  if (red2 >= 175)
    incR2 = 0;
  else if (red2 <= 20)
    incR2 = 1;
  if (incR)

// Sets the output voltage on the LED pins.
void setColor()
  analogWrite(PIN_RED, red);
  analogWrite(PIN_RED2, red2);


void setup()
  // Do nothing.

void loop()
//Fading Tail Lights 4

// Delay time: sets the time in milliseconds between loop iterations.
// Make this value large for slower transitions.
#define DELAY_TIME 1

// The pins which each color value is output to.
#define PIN_RED 9
#define PIN_RED2 10

// The initial values of each color.
int red = 20;
int red2 = 20;

// Indicates whether a color is incrementing (1) or decrementing (0).
int incR = 1;
int incR2 = 1;

// Smoothly changes the color values
void transition()
  if (red >= 175)
    incR = 0;
  else if (red <= 20)
    incR = 1;
  if (red2 >= 175)
    incR2 = 0;
  else if (red2 <= 20)
    incR2 = 1;
  if (incR)

// Sets the output voltage on the LED pins.
void setColor()
  analogWrite(PIN_RED, red);
  analogWrite(PIN_RED2, red2);


void setup()
  // Do nothing.

void loop()