GLCD library version 3 (end of life - no longer supported)

Hi, I am in a project of using glcd version 3 using sort of Sanguino board, however, using ATMEGA 16 and trying to fit the library according to Sanguino board ( ATMEGA 644 )
and manual configuration of the pin assignment. The problem is when I try the Hello World thing it completely doesn't work and found out the
#error 'ATMEGA 644 has not been tested' on arduino_io.h, is this chip really not available for the library or just my stupid mistake?

And also I've made changes to the font libraries line, the
static uint8_t System5x7[] PROGMEM = {
const uint8_t System5x7[] PROGMEM = {
how does this affect?

Many Thanks, Ivan

The error should be commented out. What that meant is that neither Michael or myself had tested that configuration
on real hardware.
Complicating things is that there are 4 different pin mappings for the 644/1284 processors.
"standard", "bobduino", "avr-developers", and "mighty-1284p"

I have a "todo" item to support all of them but right now only one is supported.
(I can't remember which).

The key to getting it to work is to have the proper pin mapping macros in arduino_io.h
and that depends on which core/variant you are using.

Which core and variant are you using?

--- bill