How much ram is being used?

Mems, Bens, and others,

Referring to the my previous post immediately above, this sketch is a straightforward memory profiler that computes the size of the .data, .bss, stack, heap, and free ram sections. I've tested it on the Arduino Duemilanove with the ATmega328 chip in the Arduino-0016 IDE and it seems to be working properly (so far).

It is based on 'Pauls' clearly written function from the Pololu forum, get_free_memory(). (this thread already hilighted his work here: It also uses the check_mem() function from the Arduino playground. I wanted to compare their results (which turned out favorably).

This code has no malloc()'s and seems to predictably compute the memory sizes of each section illustrated in the Memory Areas and Using malloc(), avr-libc: Memory Areas and Using malloc().

Given all the disclaimers and caveats you've mentioned before, this sketch shows how adding or subtracting some number of characters to the strings in the loop() function predictably adds or subtracts that exact number of bytes from the .data section size and reduces free memory.

Thanks again for posting great explanations and pointing out the Pololu link. Also, thanks to Paul at Pololu for his great get_free_memory() function illustrating how to get a handle on this memory issue.

You should be able to cut-and-paste and pop this code into a new Arduino sketch, download and check out the memory profile which should look something like this:
get_free_memory() reports [1109] (bytes) which must be > 0 for no heap/stack collision
ram size=[2047] bytes decimal
.data size=[734] bytes decimal
.bss size=[183] bytes decimal
heap size=[6] bytes decimal
stack size=[16] bytes decimal
free size=[1108] bytes decimal

Why isn't a memory profile like this included in the Arduino IDE???


 * Cut-and-pasted from playground section for determining heap and stack pointer locations.
 * Also taken from the Pololu thread from Paul at:
 * Reference figure of AVR memory areas .data, .bss, heap (all growing upwards), then stack growing downward:

extern unsigned int __data_start;
extern unsigned int __data_end;
extern unsigned int __bss_start;
extern unsigned int __bss_end;
extern unsigned int __heap_start;
//extern void *__malloc_heap_start; --> apparently already declared as char*
//extern void *__malloc_margin; --> apparently already declared as a size_t
extern void *__brkval;
// RAMEND and SP seem to be available without declaration here

int16_t ramSize=0;   // total amount of ram available for partitioning
int16_t dataSize=0;  // partition size for .data section
int16_t bssSize=0;   // partition size for .bss section
int16_t heapSize=0;  // partition size for current snapshot of the heap section
int16_t stackSize=0; // partition size for current snapshot of the stack section
int16_t freeMem1=0;  // available ram calculation #1
int16_t freeMem2=0;  // available ram calculation #2

/* This function places the current value of the heap and stack pointers in the
 * variables. You can call it from any place in your code and save the data for
 * outputting or displaying later. This allows you to check at different parts of
 * your program flow.
 * The stack pointer starts at the top of RAM and grows downwards. The heap pointer
 * starts just above the static variables etc. and grows upwards. SP should always
 * be larger than HP or you'll be in big trouble! The smaller the gap, the more
 * careful you need to be. Julian Gall 6-Feb-2009.
uint8_t *heapptr, *stackptr;
uint16_t diff=0;
void check_mem() {
  stackptr = (uint8_t *)malloc(4);          // use stackptr temporarily
  heapptr = stackptr;                     // save value of heap pointer
  free(stackptr);      // free up the memory again (sets stackptr to 0)
  stackptr =  (uint8_t *)(SP);           // save value of stack pointer

/* Stack and heap memory collision detector from:
 * (found this link and good discussion from: )
 * The idea is that you need to subtract your current stack pointer (conveniently given by the address of a local variable)
 * from a pointer to the top of the static variable memory (__bss_end). If malloc() is being used, the top of the heap
 * (__brkval) needs to be used instead. In a simple test, this function seemed to do the job, showing memory gradually
 * being used up until, with around 29 bytes free, the program started behaving erratically.
//extern int __bss_end;
//extern void *__brkval;

int get_free_memory()
  int free_memory;

  if((int)__brkval == 0)
     free_memory = ((int)&free_memory) - ((int)&__bss_end);
    free_memory = ((int)&free_memory) - ((int)__brkval);

  return free_memory;

void setup()                    // run once, when the sketch starts

void loop()                     // run over and over again
  Serial.print("\n\nLOOP BEGIN: get_free_memory() reports [");
  Serial.print( get_free_memory() );
  Serial.print("] (bytes) which must be > 0 for no heap/stack collision");

  Serial.print("\n\nSP should always be larger than HP or you'll be in big trouble!");

  Serial.print("\nheapptr=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) heapptr, HEX); Serial.print("] (growing upward, "); Serial.print( (int) heapptr, DEC); Serial.print(" decimal)");
  Serial.print("\nstackptr=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) stackptr, HEX); Serial.print("] (growing downward, "); Serial.print( (int) stackptr, DEC); Serial.print(" decimal)");
  Serial.print("\ndifference should be positive: diff=stackptr-heapptr, diff=[0x");
  Serial.print( (int) diff, HEX); Serial.print("] (which is ["); Serial.print( (int) diff, DEC); Serial.print("] (bytes decimal)");
  Serial.print("\n\nLOOP END: get_free_memory() reports [");
  Serial.print( get_free_memory() );
  Serial.print("] (bytes) which must be > 0 for no heap/stack collision");
  // ---------------- Print memory profile -----------------
  Serial.print("\n\n__data_start=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) &__data_start, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) &__data_start, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  Serial.print("\n__data_end=[0x"); Serial.print((int) &__data_end, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) &__data_end, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");
  Serial.print("\n__bss_start=[0x"); Serial.print((int) & __bss_start, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) &__bss_start, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  Serial.print("\n__bss_end=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) &__bss_end, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) &__bss_end, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  Serial.print("\n__heap_start=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) &__heap_start, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) &__heap_start, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  Serial.print("\n__malloc_heap_start=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) __malloc_heap_start, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) __malloc_heap_start, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  Serial.print("\n__malloc_margin=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) &__malloc_margin, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) &__malloc_margin, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  Serial.print("\n__brkval=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) __brkval, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) __brkval, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  Serial.print("\nSP=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) SP, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) SP, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  Serial.print("\nRAMEND=[0x"); Serial.print( (int) RAMEND, HEX ); Serial.print("] which is ["); Serial.print( (int) RAMEND, DEC); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");

  // summaries:
  ramSize   = (int) RAMEND       - (int) &__data_start;
  dataSize  = (int) &__data_end  - (int) &__data_start;
  bssSize   = (int) &__bss_end   - (int) &__bss_start;
  heapSize  = (int) __brkval     - (int) &__heap_start;
  stackSize = (int) RAMEND       - (int) SP;
  freeMem1  = (int) SP           - (int) __brkval;
  freeMem2  = ramSize - stackSize - heapSize - bssSize - dataSize;
  Serial.print("\n--- section size summaries ---");
  Serial.print("\nram   size=["); Serial.print( ramSize, DEC ); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");
  Serial.print("\ size=["); Serial.print( dataSize, DEC ); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");
  Serial.print("\n.bss  size=["); Serial.print( bssSize, DEC ); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");
  Serial.print("\nheap  size=["); Serial.print( heapSize, DEC ); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");
  Serial.print("\nstack size=["); Serial.print( stackSize, DEC ); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");
  Serial.print("\nfree size1=["); Serial.print( freeMem1, DEC ); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");
  Serial.print("\nfree size2=["); Serial.print( freeMem2, DEC ); Serial.print("] bytes decimal");