Apprentice coder


What does "void flashLED(uint8_t pin, int repeat)" mean.

Void means - returns no value ?
flashLED - is the name of the function ?
uint8_t and int - are data types ?

void flashLED(uint8_t pin, int flash_count)

This is the beginnings of the actual definition of a subroutine, much like 'digitalRead' or 'delay'.

The function returns a 'void', void meaning nothing is returned from the function.

The name of the function is 'flashLED' and needs two parameters passed to it, both of which are of type 'int' which are 16 bit signed values.

Actually one parameter of type uint8_t and the second a type int.

The first parameter has a suggestive name of 'pin' and the second parameter a suggestive name of 'flash_count'. 'pin' specifies which pin the LED is connected to while the 'flash_count' communicates how many times the LED on 'pin' is to be toggled 'ON' and 'OFF'.

Not really 'suggestive names', but rather the actual names of the variables the function will use to utilize the values passed to them within the functions coding statements.