Help with parallax serial LCD and arduino uno


Oh it hurts to read these non-responsive replies. I sure hope I get better "help" when I need it.

With that attitude, I somehow doubt it.

'Koala' suggests the Antipodes - you're not related to TyTower or April, by any chance, are you?

No I am not. I live in San Antonio, Texas, USA, rather far from any podes, anti or otherwise, and my nick is an anagram of my mother's maiden name, Kate Allison.

(among other anagrams)

Now.... you can view me as a resource, and put up with me calling a "spade" a spade, or you can ignore me, ban me, whatever.
I will continue to write code and use Arduinos in my projects nevertheless. But apparently I have more answers than you do.

Here is the further development of my TK SousDuino PID slow cooker, using the Parallax LCD display with an Uno clone .... with its three wires, no soldering required for hookup, and easily programmable functionality including speaker and backlight. The program sketch is linked in the video description on YT. Take it... or leave it.