How does lcd.print() in LiquidCrystal work?

Thank's for the reply but it isn't quite what I wanted. I already knew that it used "class inheritance", the tipoff was the phrase "it inherits from class Print". That phrase had previously led me to the cplusplus site where I found even more jargon than in the original post.

You'll need to find a good introduction to that language to really understand this.

Unfortunately an "introduction" probably won't do the trick and anything beyond that seems to rapidly fill with jargon.

Since the only place in the LiquidCrystal library where the word "print" is mentioned is here:

#include "Print.h"
class LiquidCrystal : public Print {

in LiquidCrystal.h this must be where I am supposed to see that "it inherits from class Print". To me this is one of those "clearly we see" or "this is inherently obvious to the most casual observer" statements that I seem to remember from my university days.

I worked through the Arduino Library tutorial but that example is very simple and doesn't use (and therefore doesn't explain) some of the techniques used in the LiquidCrystal library. One of the techniques that the example doesn't use is "class inheritance" which is what prompted my post.

The Library tutorial ends with this paragraph:

That's all for now but I'll probably write an advanced library tutorial soon. In the meantime, if you have any problems or suggestions, please post them to the Software Development forum.

Well folks - here I am! This isn't a suggestion so it must be a problem. Can someone enlighten me.

Thanks again,
