Arduino bundle for TextMate

When working on pure avr-gcc projects (off arduino goodness), I simply hit Comand-R (r like in run) and textmate starts executing the makefile which is living in the same folder.
David once also released a makfile for arduino! See
EDIT: @xSmurf: oops! I just see you allready found the makfile... I missed your edit in the second post. I leave the link here as a reference.

But somewhere on the forum I think I've read, the arduino makefile is now somehow out of date ....
I haven't tested it since the 0007 release. I only know that within the current arduino IDE there's no makefile beeing used besides java to compile everything.

a comandline preprocessing java for arduino code would be gorgeous. Could you still keep the actuall compiling step in a makefile? I think it's a nice standard.
As everything is still avr-gcc/libc compatible so far, it would be just convenient to stay compatible with a standardised compiling scheme. Have you heard of It looks like they try to avoid plattform specific issues like you reported with make in first arduino releases.

A textmate bundle could just issue the java preprocessing comand with a dedicated preferences.txt and then start (c)make...


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