NTSC video out library

Wow, that's cool... PAL-Support!!!

Ok, if I understood right, you need much as possible SRAM, to get the most resolution possible?

So you think Sanguino btw. AtMega644p is the right Device to improve Resolution?

Because of Sanguino, 644p is arduino-compatible mcu. So far as I know, it's the "biggest sram" Dip/Dil mcu on the market and avaiable also.
It runs on 20Mhz so, this could be an improvement too.

I know, there are mcu's with much more sram, but in Dil/Dip Formfactor 644p is the choice of simple handling... maybe i am right.... mmh....

I am no expert... whart do you think about using 644p?

Greetings ChrisS