Code repository issue

I was going to start an experiment using Arduino, an ethernet shield and Pachube.
I found a tutorial on the website but when I tried to get the code it gave
the following error:

“SORRY, There is an error at our code repository, please inform to “

The url of the tutorial I wanted to use is:
Can anybody help me with this? Or fix the code repository?

Isn't there anybody who knows anything about this?

Looks like its working now. The web server has insufficient capacity for the load of users it bears. So these things happen more frequently these days.

I viewed the tutorial page many times, but never was I able to download or view the source code.

Where you able to do this?

I really need that source code.


this has been fixed now ... the issue is that we have changed the extension of the files from *.pde to *.ino and therefore some of the links still need to be revised. Thanks for reporting.


Are you sure it fixed?
I run into this all the time.
For example: