3xRGB stripe controlling through android...need your help

Hi. this picture will explain everything, but I need one more stripe if its possible

Everything is almost done(not by me). I found on this site code and apk for android http://www.myledlamp.net/
There you can add, inside apk, more then one "lamp"/stripe to control.
I will need your help to combine this stuff to make it usable for everyone.

  1. Can someone make tutorial how to connect these stuff and to change code so we can use one arduino with at least 3 LED stripes ?

  2. Can it be change to use ethernet not only bluetooth? So we can attach it to our router.

As you can see I dont have any experience with arduino. It will be great that some one can make good tutorial so anyone will be able to make this remote controller for leds. I hope it wont be so difficult with all the codes and apk on that site.

Thanks for any help

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I asked moderators but got no reply.

Can you at least tell me which arduino board will have enough PINS for 3 RGB stripes = 9 Pins
Ive read that out of 14 pins 6 provide PWM so can I use one of those 6 PWM pins for controlling R or G or B?
Need advice because I plan to buy arduino and dont want to buy the wrong one.

Ive read that out of 14 pins 6 provide PWM

On a 328-based Arduino, this is true. On the Mega, there are more PWM pins. The Teensy 3.0, developed and marketed by a regular here also has 10 PWM pins, and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE.

so can I use one of those 6 PWM pins for controlling R or G or B?

Yes. If you want each stripe to be a different color, though, you need 9 PWM pins.

Buying the wrong one just means that you'll end up with two. That's not a bad thing. I have 8 spares right now. That makes it easy to test a small sketch and hardware on one, without interfering with the big sketch (and hardware) being developed for another one.

So I need 9 PWM pins for the "picture+1 stripe" in my first post...

About teensy 3.0 - there is no ethernet board for 3.0 as I can see. Maybe bluetooth module will work.

Thanks for info.

So I need 9 PWM pins for the "picture+1 stripe" in my first post...

It's hard for these old eyes to make out the text in that picture, but I see what appear to be two stripes connected to 3 PWM pins each. So, for three of them, as the topic title suggests, you need 9 PWM pins.

9 PWM have androids IOIO...

There are a lot of people that developed this for only one stripe and not for more :frowning:

I found this company from Taiwan that made exactly what I am describing http://www.jystex.com/index.html

Just a little update.

Remote apk is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.diyphonegadgets.DemoKit#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDIxMiwiY29tLmRpeXBob25lZ2FkZ2V0cy5EZW1vS2l0Il0.

It can be used with Arduino with shield I think but dont know for the IOIO.

We need just little modification of the apk, instead of sliders for each R,G,B we need 3x color wheels for each stripe. libraries for implementing can be found here java - Android Color Picker - Stack Overflow

If anyone can help.