Don't get too excited when printing to serial monitor!!

Hey guys

I spent many hours and even tried re-installing operating systems to fix this probem:

the comport is busy and code does not upload to Mega2560.

but the REAL problem is:

I am using arduino 1.0.5 IDE (not sure if it applies to other versions) and when ever I print THREE EXCLAMATION MARKS to the terminal using Serial.print("!!!"); the code doesn't upload!

It doesn't matter where the exclamation marks are, but if you have more than two in a row you will probably get this problem. Worst part is that the error does not match the problem!

So don't get too excited with your prints!

Old problem, !!! would tell the code to go into debug mode or something.
Try uploading more recent bootloader into the 2560.

Got another Arduino?

Maybe you have a Chinese clone board, programmed with the very old and buggy bootloader?