Pressure Sensors MS5611 MS5803

Hello all. My first post, please forgive any communication faux pas.

I am working with the MS5803-01BA sensors. I have 3 of them on a PCB, all exhibiting the same behavior(tested separately). I am using I2C communication via Labview. A partner is working on the software so I do not have immediate access to it.

We have successfully communicated with all 3 sensors using I2C to access the PROM and read out all values. Values 3-6 are in the expected range. Values 1 and 2 are all high. Not sure if this points to a problem.

My issue is that when attempting to read the ADC values for either pressure or temp no data is returned. We are using the 4096x oversampling rate and waiting 20ms to read. (min 8.22ms req'd). We are receiving ack bits for both the conversion and read commands, just no data on the line. As stated above, communication protocol has been verified as PROM read is successful.

Has anybody experienced similar problems? Any troubleshooting suggestions?