Processing cannot recognise Serial from Arduino.

Hi. Good to see you again. First of all, I really thank for Arduino team. The workshop in London was great experience definately. :slight_smile:

Now, I have a problem that Processing cannot recognise Serial from Arduino when I set up everything woth my another computer.

I mean when I exported serial for processing, Processing showed the error message which is:

Devel Library

Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7pre17
Java lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7pre17 Unknown Application

I am using powerbook g4-400, OS X 10.4, Arduino 002, Processing 0091 now.

I saw exact same problem at the workshop. at that time David(has wear grasses :)) helped me to fix it. He used terminal in application. However, I do not know how to fix it. :slight_smile:
Could you help me? :slight_smile: I think some people have got same problem like this on mac. Thank you.


Yeah it was fun.

Try what it says here

and see if that sorts it out.



Nick is right,

you have to patch Processing, it is a small communication issue that happens only in Processing for Mac.
