Run Two Sketches Simultaneously?

I am new to this, and have been searching for a solution with no resolve.

I might try some basic programming tutorials, e.g.

1.) Is there any example code out there with 2 or more sketches running at the same time?

No, because there can be only one sketch loaded into the microcontroller at a time.

2.) Is there a way to turn individual sketches on/off by pulling one of the analog inputs low?

Given that the answer to the first question is no, so is the answer to this question, BUT it's entirely possible to code a sketch to do two (or more) different things based on inputs. I might use a digital input, high and low being a binary sort of thing rather than analog, but here is a very basic framework:

#define CONTROL_PIN 8    //an input pin that controls what happens

void setup(void)
    pinMode(CONTROL_PIN, INPUT);

void loop(void)
    if (CONTROL_PIN == HIGH) {
        //do one thing
    else {
        //do something else