Program a GUI in C/C++ for arduino and mouse cursor control

Answers to karlok:

  1. yes i know well how to control motors

  2. yes one motor for x direction, the other one for y.

Let say the control is from keyboard:
control means, if i press right arrow key from keyboard the motors should rotate in one direction and vice virsa...
the responce of motor should like this:
by pressing arrow key once... the motor should responce (jerk)
by holding arrow key .... the motor should keep rotaion unless the key is release
my Question is (is this control is possible through Serial communication..? if yes, how i can control by CODE or somthig else)

  1. i think it will take so much time to understand Lazarus. So, if you have any such code or stuff made by you. Can you mail me?
    in this way i will make focus on my requirements.


Answer to paulS:

  1. i know Arduino understands byte, i want to explian this problem like

by pressing arrow key once... the motor should responce (jerk)
by holding arrow key .... the motor should keep rotaion unless the key is release.
if we send continously 'F' Serially to Arduino(by holding F key from keyboard) and then reading that byte(containing 'F')
and then make condition accordingly in code for rotating motors.

  1. GUI will have Buttons each will send info (byte) to Arduino serially and check that byte for respective actions that will
    be perform by Arduino by sending signal to actuators( Servos, steppers etc) to perform
  2. loading bullet from magzin
  3. cahnging magzine etc
    that is what i suppose, mr. paulS and requested for help.
