MATLAB can generate C code for ARM Cortex-M

MATLAB can generate C code for ARM Cortex-M controllers

According to this article, Matlab Coder, one of the many tools Matlab has, can generate, from Matlab source code, readable ANSI C code that, with minimum modifications, could be easily ported for ARM Cortex-M controllers and compiled with Keil for ARM, LPCXpresso or other IDE. In theory the procedure can work also for AVR Atmega or any other controller with sufficient memory space.

The advantage seems to be quite significant because Matlab code is compact and complicated routines that do operations with matrices or perform signal processing, over a vector of data, are hard to implement directly in C. Only a simple matrix multiplication see (a) and (b), which is done by Matlab with a single line of code, require two "for loops" in C, and a few lines of text.

a) MATLAB code (just one line):
c = a*b; %Multiplication of two matrices

b) Automatically generated C code from (a):
void simpleProduct(const real32_T a[5], const real32_T b[10], real32_T c[2])
int32_T i0;
int32_T i1;
for (i0 = 0; i0 < 2; i0++) {
c[i0] = 0.0F;
for (i1 = 0; i1 < 5; i1++) {
c[i0] += a[i1] * b[i1 + 5 * i0];

Question: Has somebody tried, using Matlab coder, to convert to C, Matlab or Simulink programs and then port them to a microcontroller?

See : for more details

operations with matrices or perform signal processing, over a vector of data, are hard to implement directly in C.

What would be the advantage of using MATLAB over something like one of the standard C++ matrix libraries?

In general, the problem with using fancy libraries on microcontrollers is that they tend to pay very little attention to RAM consumption, which is one of the the most limited resources on most microcontrollers...

What would be the advantage of using MATLAB over something like one of the standard C++ matrix libraries?

The advantages would be quite significant:

  1. Matlab code is compact, specially designed to work with matrices and vectors. You do not have to use "for loops" or learn how to utilize C libraries where a matrix multiplication is done by calling a function defined like this:
    "void simpleProduct(const real32_T a[5], const real32_T b[10], real32_T c[2])".
    In Matlab you just write c=a*b which looks like the ordinary mathematical language.

  2. In universities Matlab is much more utilized than C. So students are likely more familiar with Matlab than with C.

  3. With Matlab and Simulink is easy to test an algorithm that does signal processing or PID or other complicated things. You can simulate input data and display the output in a variety of ways using the numerous Matlab diagrams.

In general, the problem with using fancy libraries on microcontrollers is that they tend to pay very little attention to RAM consumption, which is one of the the most limited resources on most microcontrollers

  1. I am seeing that there is something called Embeded Coder (also a Matlab tool) which can generate efficient C code for various controllers and DSPs.

However, there could be traps. Only people who tried Matlab (Embedded) Coder could tell if this tool is really useful for generating good C programs for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers.

  1. Matlab code is compact, specially designed to work with matrices and vectors. You do not have to use "for loops" or learn how to utilize C libraries where a matrix multiplication is done by calling a function defined like this:
    "void simpleProduct(const real32_T a[5], const real32_T b[10], real32_T c[2])".
    In Matlab you just write c=a*b which looks like the ordinary mathematical language.

I was talking about C++ packages, which have operator overloading, so you can indeed write code like:
A = B * C;
where A, B, and C have been defined to be matrices of some sort.
Although even with C, you wouldn't necessarily need to see the ugliness of the underlying code, and could do
A = mat_mul(B, C);

Your other points are harder to counter.

On the minus side, MatLab is expensive for students, and prohibitively expensive for non-students (~$2000.) (which is not including Simulink ($3k) or any of the other add-on features (about $1k each, for the ones that listed prices...) (I might be in trouble now; you're supposed to log in before you can get pricing info.)

I was talking about C++ packages, which have operator overloading, so you can indeed write code like:
A = B * C;
where A, B, and C have been defined to be matrices of some sort.
Although even with C, you wouldn't necessarily need to see the ugliness of the underlying code, and could do
A = mat_mul(B, C);

Yes, if such C libraries exist and have a reasonable price then they could be an alternative to Matlab coder.
The only practical library I know (CMSIS) has functions that work with matrices looking like in the following example:

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
* Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.   
* $Date:        29. November 2010  
* $Revision: 	V1.0.3
* Project: 	    CMSIS DSP Library  
* Title:	    arm_matrix_example_f32.c		  
* Description:	Example code demonstrating least square fit to data  
*				using matrix functions  
* Target Processor: Cortex-M4/Cortex-M3  
* Version 1.0.3 2010/11/29 
*    Re-organized the CMSIS folders and updated documentation. 
* Version 1.0.1 2010/10/05 KK 
*    Production release and review comments incorporated.  
* Version 1.0.0 2010/09/20 KK
*    Production release and review comments incorporated.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
 * @ingroup groupExamples 
 * @defgroup MatrixExample Matrix Example    
 * \par Description: 
 * \par
 * Demonstrates the use of Matrix Transpose, Matrix Muliplication, and Matrix Inverse 
 * functions to apply least squares fitting to input data. Least squares fitting is 
 * the procedure for finding the best-fitting curve that minimizes the sum of the 
 * squares of the offsets (least square error) from a given set of data.
 * \par Algorithm:
 * \par
 * The linear combination of parameters considered is as follows: 
 * \par 
 * <code>A * X = B</code>, where \c X is the unknown value and can be estimated 
 * from \c A & \c B.
 * \par
 * The least squares estimate \c X is given by the following equation:
 * \par
 * <code>X = Inverse(A<sup>T</sup> * A) *  A<sup>T</sup> * B</code>
 * \par Block Diagram:
 * \par
 * \image html matrixExample.gif
 * \par Variables Description:
 * \par
 * \li \c A_f32 input matrix in the linear combination equation
 * \li \c B_f32 output matrix in the linear combination equation
 * \li \c X_f32 unknown matrix estimated using \c A_f32 & \c B_f32 matrices
 * \par CMSIS DSP Software Library Functions Used:
 * \par
 * - arm_mat_init_f32()
 * - arm_mat_trans_f32()
 * - arm_mat_mult_f32()
 * - arm_mat_inverse_f32() 
 * <b> Refer  </b> 
 * \link arm_matrix_example_f32.c \endlink
/** \example arm_matrix_example_f32.c 
#include "arm_math.h" 
#include "math_helper.h" 
#define SNR_THRESHOLD 	90 
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
* Test input data(Cycles) taken from FIR Q15 module for differant cases of blockSize  
* and tapSize 
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
const float32_t B_f32[4] =  
	782.0, 7577.0, 470.0, 4505.0 
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
* Formula to fit is  C1 + C2 * numTaps + C3 * blockSize + C4 * numTaps * blockSize 
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
const float32_t A_f32[16] =  
	/* Const, 	numTaps, 	blockSize, 	numTaps*blockSize */    
	1.0, 		32.0, 		4.0, 		128.0,  
	1.0, 		32.0, 		64.0, 		2048.0, 
	1.0, 		16.0, 		4.0, 		64.0, 
	1.0, 		16.0, 		64.0, 		1024.0, 
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
* Temporary buffers  for storing intermediate values 
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
/* Transpose of A Buffer */ 
float32_t AT_f32[16]; 
/* (Transpose of A * A) Buffer */ 
float32_t ATMA_f32[16]; 
/* Inverse(Transpose of A * A)  Buffer */ 
float32_t ATMAI_f32[16]; 
/* Test Output Buffer */ 
float32_t X_f32[4]; 
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
* Reference ouput buffer C1, C2, C3 and C4 taken from MATLAB  
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
const float32_t xRef_f32[4] = {73.0, 8.0, 21.25, 2.875}; 
float32_t snr; 
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
* Max magnitude FFT Bin test 
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
int32_t main(void) 
	arm_matrix_instance_f32 A;		/* Matrix A Instance */ 
	arm_matrix_instance_f32 AT;		/* Matrix AT(A transpose) instance */ 
	arm_matrix_instance_f32 ATMA;	/* Matrix ATMA( AT multiply with A) instance */ 
	arm_matrix_instance_f32 ATMAI;	/* Matrix ATMAI(Inverse of ATMA) instance */ 
	arm_matrix_instance_f32 B;		/* Matrix B instance */ 
	arm_matrix_instance_f32 X;		/* Matrix X(Unknown Matrix) instance */ 
	uint32_t srcRows, srcColumns;	/* Temporary variables */
	arm_status status; 
	/* Initialise A Matrix Instance with numRows, numCols and data array(A_f32) */ 
	srcRows = 4; 
    srcColumns = 4; 
	arm_mat_init_f32(&A, srcRows, srcColumns, (float32_t *)A_f32); 
	/* Initialise Matrix Instance AT with numRows, numCols and data array(AT_f32) */ 
	srcRows = 4; 
    srcColumns = 4; 
	arm_mat_init_f32(&AT, srcRows, srcColumns, AT_f32); 
	/* calculation of A transpose */ 
	status = arm_mat_trans_f32(&A, &AT); 
	/* Initialise ATMA Matrix Instance with numRows, numCols and data array(ATMA_f32) */ 
	srcRows = 4; 
    srcColumns = 4; 
	arm_mat_init_f32(&ATMA, srcRows, srcColumns, ATMA_f32); 
	/* calculation of AT Multiply with A */ 
	status = arm_mat_mult_f32(&AT, &A, &ATMA); 
	/* Initialise ATMAI Matrix Instance with numRows, numCols and data array(ATMAI_f32) */ 
	srcRows = 4; 
    srcColumns = 4; 
	arm_mat_init_f32(&ATMAI, srcRows, srcColumns, ATMAI_f32); 
	/* calculation of Inverse((Transpose(A) * A) */ 
	status = arm_mat_inverse_f32(&ATMA, &ATMAI); 
	/* calculation of (Inverse((Transpose(A) * A)) *  Transpose(A)) */ 
	status = arm_mat_mult_f32(&ATMAI, &AT, &ATMA); 
	/* Initialise B Matrix Instance with numRows, numCols and data array(B_f32) */ 
	srcRows = 4; 
    srcColumns = 1; 
	arm_mat_init_f32(&B, srcRows, srcColumns, (float32_t *)B_f32);  
	/* Initialise X Matrix Instance with numRows, numCols and data array(X_f32) */ 
	srcRows = 4; 
    srcColumns = 1; 
	arm_mat_init_f32(&X, srcRows, srcColumns, X_f32); 
	/* calculation ((Inverse((Transpose(A) * A)) *  Transpose(A)) * B) */ 
	status = arm_mat_mult_f32(&ATMA, &B, &X); 
	/* Comparison of reference with test output */	   
	snr = arm_snr_f32((float32_t *)xRef_f32, X_f32, 4); 
	*  					Initialise status depending on SNR calculations 
	if( snr > SNR_THRESHOLD) 
		status = ARM_MATH_SUCCESS; 
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
	** Loop here if the signals fail the PASS check. 
	** This denotes a test failure 
	** ------------------------------------------------------------------- */	 
	if( status != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS) 

    while(1);                             /* main function does not return */
 /** \endlink */

On the minus side, MatLab is expensive for students, and prohibitively expensive for non-students

Yes, you are right but there are free trial versions. All software is expensive. Discussing about software packages costs makes sense when indeed one uses things like Matlab coder ($6500) for making profit.

Yes, you are right but there are free trial versions. All software is expensive. Discussing about software packages costs makes sense when indeed one uses things like Matlab coder ($6500) for making profit.

The Arduino IDE isn't.

All software is expensive.

No. Not "prohibitively expensive", anyway. MATLAB looks like the sort of thing that your company of >20 employees buys for your department (after you beg and plead for a while. $5000+ is not small change by most criteria. (I got yelled at by the business folk for spending ~$1300 on a computer without running through the proper hoops. Back in the day...))

Mathematica (a MATLAB competitor?) is still expensive ($7000 for the "Enterprise" version), but has a licensing model with "home" ($300), "Starter" ($1000), and $3000 versions. I consider that to be "not prohibitive." (They have a C++ code generator "add-on" as well (from a third party.) It's back into the "too expensive" range.)

Maxima is open source freeware. An ugly toy from the 1980s, by today's standards. But still pretty useful.

I have no idea how they compare; my EE education predates the use of modeling software of any kind. I did use MACSYMA (Maxima's predecessor) for a homework problem once, when the prof said "computers are getting more common; you should do this on a computer." (I don't know what the other students did; the computing resources available at the time ranged from CP/M systems with BASIC to mainframes with APL, none of which were immediately useful for high-level EE problems...)