Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches

version control is the normal answer to your version control question.
The sloeber project includes e-git so there is no need to install extra plugins.

So, I’ve never done git-anything before except download Arduino libraries from GitHub.

But, I have been reading a lot online and understand the basic concepts at least. It should be pretty easy for me since I’ll be the only “collaborator” working on my projects.

However, I’m still having difficulty understanding the relationship between Sloeber / Eclipse, e-git, git, GitHub, etc. And, I can’t figure out what’s necessary to start using e-git from within Sloeber to do version control on my own projects. Part of the problem is there is too much information on the web and I can’t separate the applicable from the not applicable.

So, how do I start out? Sloeber is already installed. Do I have to also install a git-something program on the PC and somehow link it with Sloeber?

I just need a basic guide for a single-contributor setup. After that, I should eventually become smart enough to ask more intelligent questions.
